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The application of Artificial Intelligence, Programming Computer Systems to make use of Probabilities in Data, a Programming for a Probabilistic outcome, has given us abilities that Computer systems have never had before! A entirely new range of possibilities are now available to us! We can now use Compute to do things we have never been able to do before! 

One example is Automatic Voice Recognition! Automatic Voice Recognition had WER, Word Error Rate scores of 37%, Today, Whisper is capable of around 12%. Automatic Voice Recognition was poor to say the least, before Probabilistic Compute was available.

Artificial Intelligence as we know it today, all it is, is just Probabilistic Compute, using Mathematics to determine how the data is interpreted, what class, or category the data falls into.

Much of todays progress has come from thinking and study of Philosophy, a topic that is very old, written about by Plato.


Through Philosophy, love of wisdom, we can change our future, if we use it in a smart way! However, we have a very large responsibility for our Species:



Ozzie AI takes your privacy very seriously! Your Intellectual Property, your data, is treated like a Vault of Gold, it is kept secure and safe at all times.

While AI can be Open Source, and should be Open Source, your Data will not be Open Source, it can be used to train Models, and have Models use your Data as a Vector Data Source, the AI itself will access and use your data in a safe and secure way.


Agentic Workflows

Having a team of AI Agents, all working hard at a goal, all completing individual tasks, all reporting back to you, or back to a master controller, is a deeam many of us could only dream of.

Agentic Workflows from my master:



Already Open Source solutions exist:


Prompts and Custom Prompting

The art of prompting and custom prompting, seems to be advancing very quickly. Today, the average prompt looks something like this:

From the simple:

prompt = "My favourite condiment is"

To the slightly more complex:

prompt = [
{"role": "user", "content": "What is your favourite condiment?"},
{"role": "assistant", "content": "Well, I'm quite partial to a good squeeze of fresh lemon juice. It adds just the right amount of zesty flavour to whatever I'm cooking up in the kitchen!"},
{"role": "user", "content": "Do you have mayonnaise recipes?"}


AI is very exciting, so much new tech coming through, at such a rapid rate.

More to come in our software, news and AI articles.